Tuesday, 13 Rabi'ulawal 1446
Tuesday, 17 September 2024

MyJurnal is a online system used by Citation and Infometric Division (formely known Malaysia Citation Centre (MCC)) to collect and index all the Malaysian journals. MyJurnal's main objectives are to:-

  • increase access to the contents of Malaysian journals to the global community;and
  • improve the visibility of contents, hence, encouraging usage and generating citations to articles published.

UiTM Journals encompasses a total of 55 active journals titles from the various discipline of research published by UiTM Press. As of for now fifty-five in had registered in MyJurnal. MyJurnal contains bibliographic data and full text contents of articles published in refereed scholarly journals in Malaysia, in various disciplines such as Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Medical & Health Sciences, Sciences dan Social Sciences.

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1 Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE) SCOPUS Dan MyCite SJR 2020
SNIP 2020
https://education.uitm.edu.my/ajue/ Education
2 Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE) SCOPUS Dan MyCite SJR 2020
SNIP 2020
https://jmeche.uitm.edu.my/ Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan
3 Management & Accounting Review (MAR) SCOPUS Dan MyCite - https://mar.uitm.edu.my/ Accounting Research Institute (ARI)
4 Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal (APMAJ) ERA, dan MyCite - https://apmaj.uitm.edu.my/ Accounting Research Institute (ARI)
5 ESTEEM Academic Journal (EAJ) MyCite - https://uppp.uitm.edu.my/ Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang
6 International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability (IJSMS) MyCite - http://www.ijsmssarawak.com/ Sarawak
7 Journal of Administrative Science (JAS) MyCite - https://jas.uitm.edu.my/ Administrative Science and Policy Studies
8 Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT) MyCite - https://cplt.uitm.edu.my/v1/ Kedah
9 Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems Research (JEESR) MyCite - https://jeesr.uitm.edu.my/v1/ Electrical Engineering
10 Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA) MyCite - https://www.jthca.org/jthca Hotel And Tourism Management
11 Social and Management Research Journal (SMRJ) MyCite - https://smrj.uitm.edu.my/ Research Management Centre (RMC)
12 Academic Journal of Business and Social Sciences (AJoBSS) MyCite - https://publication.melaka.uitm.edu.my/index.php/ajobss Research and Industrial Linkages, Melaka
13 Advances in Business Research International Journal (ABRIJ) MyCite - https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/ Business and Management
14 Built Environment Journal (BEJ) MyCite - https://bej.uitm.edu.my/ Architecture, Planning & Surveying
15 Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE) MyCite - http://www.myse.my/ Seri Iskandar, Perak.
16 ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EJSSH) MyCite - https://ejssh.uitm.edu.my/ Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang
17 Gading Journal for Social Sciences (GADINGSS) MyCite - https://gadingss.learningdistance.org/index.php/gadingss Research and Industrial Network, Pahang
18 Journal of Academia (JoA) MyCite - http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/joa/issue/view/781 Negeri Sembilan
19 Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS) MyCite - https://jchs-medicine.uitm.edu.my/ Medical
20 Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM) MyCite - https://ijikm.uitm.edu.my/ Information Management
21 Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship (JIBE) MyCite - https://jibe.uitm.edu.my/index.php/en/ Business and Management
22 Journal of Media and Information Warfare (JMIW) MyCite - https://jmiw.uitm.edu.my/ Communication and Media Studies
23 Jurnal Intelek (JI) MyCite - https://jurnalintelek.uitm.edu.my/index.php/main/index Perlis
24 Scientific Research Journal (SRJ) MyCite - https://srj.uitm.edu.my/ Research Management Centre (RMC)
25 Science Letters (ScL) MyCite - https://scilett-fsg.uitm.edu.my/index.php Applied Science
26 International Journal of Art and Design MyCite - https://melaka.uitm.edu.my/ijad/index.php/current-paper Art & Design 
27 INSIGHT Journal (IJ) Non-Index - https://insightjournal.my/home/ Johor
28 ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal (AEJ) Non-Index - https://aej.uitm.edu.my/ Malaysian Academy of SME & Entrepreneurship Development (MASMED)
29 Malaysian Journal of Computing (MJoC) Non-Index - https://mjoc.uitm.edu.my/main/ Computer & Mathematical Sciences
30 International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics (IJMAL) Non-Index - http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/ijmal/about Akademi Pengajian Bahasa
31 E-Academia Journal (e-AJ) Non-Index - https://e-ajuitmct.uitm.edu.my/v3/ Terengganu
32 Voice Academia (VOA) Non-Index - https://voa.uitm.edu.my/v1/ Kedah
33 Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS) Non-Index - https://jcis.uitm.edu.my/ Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS)
34 Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia (JURIM) Non-Index - https://jim.uitm.edu.my/index.php/2-uncategorised/1-jurim InQKA
35 Idealogy Journal (IdJ) Non-Index - http://idealogyjournal.com/ FSSR Cawangan Perak
36 Compendium of Oral Science (COS) Non-Index - http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/corals/index Pergigian
37 Malaysian Journal of Chemical Engineering and Technology (MJCET) Non-Index - https://mjcetfkk.uitm.edu.my/ Chemical Engineering
38 Journal of Mathematics and Computing Science (JMCS) Non-Index - http://jmcs.com.my/index.php/jmcs Kelantan
39 Journal of Computing Research and Innovation (JCRINN) Non-Index - https://crinn.conferencehunter.com/index.php/jcrinn Computer and Mathemathical Sciences
40 International Journal on e-learning and higher Education ( IJEHLE) Non-Index - https://journalined.uitm.edu.my/ Institut Pendidikan Berterusan & Pengajian Professional
41 Borneo Akademika Non-Index - https://borneoakademika.sabah.uitm.edu.my Sabah
42 Jurnal Perintis Pendidikan Seni Lukis & Seni Reka (INTI FSSR) Non-Index - https://jadinti.uitm.edu.my/index.php FSSR
43 Informika: Jurnal Peradaban Informasi dan Ilmu Non-Index - - Information Management
44 Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research (JEEIR) ACI - http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/JEEIR/index Business and Management
45 Mathematical Sciences and Informatics Journal Non-Index - https://www.mijuitmjournal.com/ Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Perak.
46 Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation (MJSSR) Non-Index - https://mjssr.com/ Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation (FSR)
47 E-Journal of Islamic Thought & Understanding Non-Index - http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/E-Jitu/index Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), UiTM Cawangan Melaka
48 Journal of Islamic Philanthropy & Social Finance Non-Index - http://cipsf.my/index.php/publications/journals/jipsf/about-jipsf Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance (CIPSF), UiTM Cawangan Melaka
49 Jurnal Skrin Malaysia Non-Index - http://rmc.uitm.edu.my/jurnal-skrin-malaysia.html Penerbit UiTM
50 Medical Health & Reviews Non-Index - http://mhr.uitm.edu.my/ Universiti Teknologi MARA
51 Terengganu International Management and Business Journal Non-Index - http://timbej.uitm.edu.my/ Universiti Teknologi MARA
52 Terengganu International Finance & Economics Journal Non-Index - http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/tifej/issue/archive Universiti Teknologi MARA
53 Business and Management Quarterly Review Non-Index - http://bmqruitm.blogspot.my/ Universiti Teknologi MARA
54 e-Journal of Media and Society Non-Index - http://www.ejoms.com/index.html Universiti Teknologi MARA
55 International Journal of Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Cosmetic Science Non-Index - https://ijpncs.uitm.edu.my/index.php/en/ Universiti Teknologi MARA


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