
In ‘Avoiding Plagiarism: Guide for Students’, UiTM defines plagiarism as the act of “using the works of others and also self without appropriate acknowledgment or permission, falsely claiming authorship to submissions and manipulating data”.

The Wikipedia defines academic integrity as “the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing”.

Guide for Theses (IGS)
Learn the basics of citation:

  1. Gibaldi, J., & Modern Language Association of America. (1999). MLA handbook for writers of research papers. New York: Modern Language Association of America
  2. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association​
  3. Turabian, K. L. (2007). A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago style for students and researchers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Tools for citing and referencing

  1. Endnote
  2. Mendeley
  3. Citation Machine

Paraphrasing and Quoting

  1. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, Source: Purdue OWL
  2. How to paraphrase a source, Source: The Writing Center - University of Wisconsin
  3. How to paraphrase, Source:
  4. How to quote, Source:

Cite - to speak or write words taken from a particular writer or written work.
From Cambridge Dictionaries Online

Citation - A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work
From Oxford Dictionaries

Paraphrase – a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form.
From Merriam-Webster Online

Quotation - something that a person says or writes that is repeated or used by someone else in another piece of writing or a speech.
From Merriam-Webster Online


Plagiarism Tools

  1. Plagiarism Detect
  2. No Plag
  3. Essay checker, which is a valuable tool for any writer. It checks for both grammar and text that may be missing a citation. It is extremely helpful in producing content that is clear, consistent, and properly cited.