Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) buat julung kalinya telah mendapat tempat ke-6 di Malaysia bagi High Research Output Award 2023. Penganugerahan ini berdasarkan 49 artikel dalam jurnal dan buku yang telah dterbitkan melalui Emerald Publishing bagi tahun 2022.
9 judul artikel hasil penulisan 78 orang penulis UiTM adalah seperti berikut:
(Author Name, Article Title, Journal)
- Afzal Zahari. Assessing The Mediating Effect of Leadership Capabilities on the Relationship Between Organisational Resilience and Organisational Performance. International Journal of Social Economics
- Afzal Zahari. Public sector fraud: the Malaysian perspective. Journal of Financial Crime
- Ahmad Haziq Ahmad-Bakhtiar. Interaction effects of professional commitment, customer risk, independent pressure and money laundering risk judgment among bank analysts. Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Ainorkhilah Mahmood Influence of different etching methods on the structural properties of porous silicon Microelectronics International
- Ainul Jamil The COVID-19 impact on financial crime and regulatory compliance in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Alhan Abd Rahim. Influence of different etching methods on the structural properties of porous silicon. Microelectronics International
- Amirul Afif Muhamat. Revitalising Waqf (endowment) lands for agribusiness: potentials of the anchor company models Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Aslina Abu Bakar. Influence of different etching methods on the structural properties of porous silicon. Microelectronics International
- Azlin Bahtar The Influence of Islamic Attributes on Tourist Satisfaction with Pull Motivation as an Intervening Variables International Journal of Tourism Cities
- Che Khairil Izam Che Ibrahim Production planning, monitoring and review: Comparison between the practices in an Urban Rail Transit megaproject with the Last Planner System The TQM Journal
- Che Ku Hisam Che Ku Kassim Institutional Pressures Influencing Environmental Management Accounting Adoption by Malaysian Local Governments Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
- Corina Joseph The content and determinants of CSR anti-corruption disclosure: the case of public-listed companies in Indonesia Journal of Financial Crime
- Dr Amalia Qistina Casteneda Abdullah Revitalising Waqf (endowment) lands for agribusiness: potentials of the anchor company models Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Eley Suzana Kasim Financial literacy and awareness of investment scams among university students Journal of Financial Crime
- Eley Suzana Kasim Effect of quality of governance on the relationship between illicit financial flows and economic growth Journal of Financial Crime
- Fadzlan Sufian Does country governance and bank productivity Nexus matters? Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Faizah Darus Preliminary insights on green criminology in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Falah Abu Challenges in the Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in the Wood & Furniture Industry Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
- Farrah Diana Saiful Bahry Database design of the Malaysia public figures web archive repository: a social & cultural heritage web collections Collection and Curation
- Fatimah Zulkifli Influence of different etching methods on the structural properties of porous silicon Microelectronics International
- Fazlida Mohd Razali Effect of quality of governance on the relationship between illicit financial flows and economic growth Journal of Financial Crime
- Hanisah Mohd Zali Narrowband and Wideband EMW Path Loss in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Sensor Review
- Haslinda Yusoff Preliminary insights on green criminology in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Hazlina Mohd Padil Financial literacy and awareness of investment scams among university students Journal of Financial Crime
- Hazlina Mohd Padil Effect of quality of governance on the relationship between illicit financial flows and economic growth Journal of Financial Crime
- Husniyati Ali Revitalising Waqf (endowment) lands for agribusiness: potentials of the anchor company models Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Idnin Pasya Narrowband and Wideband EMW Path Loss in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Sensor Review
- Imbarine Bujang. Corporate governance challenges and opportunities in mitigating corporate fraud in Malaysia. Journal of Financial Crime
- Intan Salwani Mohamed The supply-side of corruption: a review of scenario, causes and prevention measure Journal of Financial Crime
- Intan Salwani Mohamed Preliminary insights on green criminology in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Ismah Osman Let’s get acquainted: an empirical study on takaful customer-service provider relationships from Saudi Arabian perspectives Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Jamaliah Said Assessing the Mediating Effect of Leadership Capabilities on the Relationship Between Organisational Resilience and Organisational Performance. International Journal of Social Economics
- Jamaliah Said Public sector fraud: the Malaysian perspective Journal of Financial Crime
- Jamaliah Said Corporate governance challenges and opportunities in mitigating corporate fraud in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Jamaliah Said Carbon management accounting (CMA) practices in Australia’s high carbon-emission industries Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
- J.S_ Keshminder Green sukuk – Malaysia surviving the bumpy road: performance, challenges and reconciled issuance framework Qualitative Research in Financial Markets
- Mahazril ‘Aini Yaacob Assessing Housing Preferences of Young Civil Servants in Malaysia: Do Location, Financial Capability, and Neighbourhood Really Matter? International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
- Maznah Omar Perceived risk and tourist’s trust: the roles of perceived value and religiosity Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah Linking environmental knowledge, environmental responsibility, altruism, and intention toward green hotels through ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah Foreign tourist satisfaction, commitment and revisit intention: exploring the effect of environmental turbulence in the Arab region Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah The influence of knowledge on wholesomeness, labelling and trust toward Muslim consumers purchase behaviour of Syubhah semi-processed food products Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah What innovations would enable the tourism and hospitality industry in Malaysia to rebuild? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
- Mohd_ Ismail Exploring IT/IS Proactive and Knowledge Transfer on Digital Enterprise Business Transformation: A Technology-Knowledge Perspective Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Mohd Khairil Adzhar Mahmood. Narrowband and Wideband EMW Path Loss in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Sensor Review
- Mohd Nor Mamat The influence of knowledge on wholesomeness, labelling and trust toward Muslim consumers purchase behaviour of Syubhah semi-processed food products Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Mohd Salehuddin Mohd Zahari Foreign tourist satisfaction, commitment and revisit intention: exploring the effect of environmental turbulence in the Arab region Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Mohd Salehuddin Mohd Zahari The influence of knowledge on wholesomeness, labelling and trust toward Muslim consumers purchase behaviour of Syubhah semi-processed food products Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Mohd Shahriman Adenan Experimental verification of computational and sensitivity analysis on substrate deformation and plastic strain induced by hollow thin-walled WAAM structure Rapid Prototyping Journal
- Mohd Syuhaidi Abu Bakar Technology in education: efficacies and outcomes of different delivery methods Interactive Technology and Smart Education
- Muhammad Nazmul Hoque Does the perception of halal tourism destination matter for non-Muslim tourists’ WOM? The moderating role of religious faith International Journal of Tourism Cities
- Nadiah Abd Hamid A cohesive model of predicting tax evasion from the perspective of fraudulent financial reporting amongst small and medium sized enterprises Accounting Research Journal
- Najihah Yaacob The COVID-19 impact on financial crime and regulatory compliance in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Naser Valaei Ads in gaming apps: experiential value of gamers Industrial Management & Data Systems
- Nazirul Noor Perceived risk and tourist’s trust: the roles of perceived value and religiosity Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Noraizan Amran Database design of the Malaysia public figures web archive repository: a social & cultural heritage web collections Collection and Curation
- Norashikin Ismail A cohesive model of predicting tax evasion from the perspective of fraudulent financial reporting amongst small and medium sized enterprises Accounting Research Journal
- Nor Ezatie Mukminah Muhammad Zamri Assessing Housing Preferences of Young Civil Servants in Malaysia: Do Location, Financial Capability, and Neighbourhood Really Matter? International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
- Norfaridah Ali Azizan Revitalising Waqf (endowment) lands for agribusiness: potentials of the anchor company models Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Norhayati Mohamed Assessing the Mediating Effect of Leadership Capabilities on the Relationship Between Organisational Resilience and Organisational Performance. International Journal of Social Economics
- Norliza Che Yahya Do sponsors and democratic government influence the flipping activity of Pakistan IPO? Evidence from developing market Management Research Review
- Norol Zamzuri The best practice of marketing strategies for the Malaysian business event industry from experts’ perspective Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights
- Nurazree mahmud The Influence of Islamic Attributes on Tourist Satisfaction with Pull Motivation as an Intervening Variables International Journal of Tourism Cities
- Nurfarizan Mazhani Mahmud The supply-side of corruption: a review of scenario, causes and prevention measure Journal of Financial Crime
- Nurul Hayati Yong Post occupancy evaluation of thermal comfort and indoor air quality of office spaces in a tropical green campus building Journal of Facilities Management
- Nurul Syuhadah Mohd Razali Influence of different etching methods on the structural properties of porous silicon Microelectronics International
- Qi Jie Kwong Post occupancy evaluation of thermal comfort and indoor air quality of office spaces in a tropical green campus building Journal of Facilities Management
- Razana Juhaida Johari Analysis of factors affecting dysfunctional audit behavior in Malaysia International Journal of Ethics and Systems
- Rizuwan Abu Karim The Influence of Islamic Attributes on Tourist Satisfaction with Pull Motivation as an Intervening Variables International Journal of Tourism Cities
- Rohana Yusoff Is the vitality of Malaysian academics at stake? Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
- Rosfariza Radzali Influence of different etching methods on the structural properties of porous silicon Microelectronics International
- Roshayani Arshad The supply-side of corruption: a review of scenario, causes and prevention measure Journal of Financial Crime
- Roslina Ab Wahid QMS external quality auditors’ education framework: findings from an iterative Delphi study The TQM Journal
- Ruhaini Muda Customers’ Perceptions of FinTech Adaptability in the Islamic Banking Sector: Comparative study on Malaysia and Saudi Arabia Journal of Modelling in Management
- Ruhaya Atan Effect of quality of governance on the relationship between illicit financial flows and economic growth Journal of Financial Crime
- Sarah Sabir Sabir Ahmad Perceived risk and tourist’s trust: the roles of perceived value and religiosity Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Sharifah Faigah Syed Alwi Revitalising Waqf (endowment) lands for agribusiness: potentials of the anchor company models Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Sheila Belayutham Production planning, monitoring and review: Comparison between the practices in an Urban Rail Transit megaproject with the Last Planner System The TQM Journal
- Sian Hoon Teoh Digitalization Adoption for Digital Economy: An Examination of Malaysian Small Medium-Sized Enterprises through Technology-Organization Environment Framework. Business Process Management Journal
- Siti Hafsah Zulkarnain. The Delphi method to identify attributes for a valuation approach for residential property exposed to flood risk Property Management
- Syazwani Mohd Zokri Stagnation point flow of a second grade hybrid nanofluid induced by a Riga plate International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
- Wan Adibah Wan Ismail Auditor tenure, investor protection and accounting quality: international evidence Accounting Research Journal
- Wan Adibah Wan Ismail Busy CEOs and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Indonesia Asian Review of Accounting
- Wan Adibah Wan Ismail Product market competition, board gender diversity and corporate sustainability performance: International evidence Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
- Wan Adibah Wan Ismail Auditor switching, lowballing, and conditional conservatism: evidence from selected Asian countries Managerial Auditing Journal
- Wan Noor Hazlina Wan Jusoh Is the vitality of Malaysian academics at stake? Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
- Yupiter H.P. Manurung. Experimental verification of computational and sensitivity analysis on substrate deformation and plastic strain induced by hollow thin-walled WAAM structure Rapid Prototyping Journal
- Yusarina Mat Isa. The COVID-19 impact on financial crime and regulatory compliance in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Yusarina Mat Isa. Interaction effects of professional commitment, customer risk, independent pressure and money laundering risk judgment among bank analysts. Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Yusri Mat-Jusoh Interaction effects of professional commitment, customer risk, independent pressure and money laundering risk judgment among bank analysts. Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Zainal Ngah A cohesive model of predicting tax evasion from the perspective of fraudulent financial reporting amongst small and medium sized enterprises Accounting Research Journal
- Zamzuri Ahmad Nazari The Influence of Islamic Attributes on Tourist Satisfaction with Pull Motivation as an Intervening Variables International Journal of Tourism Cities
- Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi. The COVID-19 impact on financial crime and regulatory compliance in Malaysia Journal of Financial Crime
- Zuraidah Mohd-Sanusi. Corporate governance and business performance of hotels in Western Australia: analysis of market orientation as a mediator Business Process Management Journal
- Zuraidah Mohd-Sanusi. Interaction effects of professional commitment, customer risk, independent pressure and money laundering risk judgment among bank analysts Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Zuraidah Mohd-Sanusi. Carbon management accounting (CMA) practices in Australia’s high carbon-emission industries. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
UiTM turut meraih tempat pertama di Malaysia dan tempat kedua di dunia bagi High Usage Award 2023.
Penyampaian anugerah telah diadakan di Connexion Conference & Event Centre Nexus, Bangsar South Kuala Lumpur sempena penganjuran Emerald Conference 2023 pada 13 Jun 2023 (Selasa).
Sijil Penghargaan telah diserahkan kepada wakil UiTM seperti berikut:
- Puan Aznur Umiza Abu Kasim – Timbalan Ketua Pustakawan Kanan, Perpustakaan Tun abdul Razak (PTAR).
- Dr. Hajah Adlina Abdullah – Timbalan Ketua Pustakawan, PTAR
Emerald Award adalah pengiktirafan antarabangsa yang diberikan oleh Emerald Publishing kepada pelanggan yang memperoleh jumlah muat turun tertinggi dalam pangkalan data Emerald e-jurnal dan Research Output tertinggi bagi tempoh Januari hingga Disember setiap tahun.